Monday, October 29, 2012

Tsunami Watch!

Hawaii was informed last night about 7pm that there was a 7.7 earthquake off of the coast of British Columbia.

The Sheriff and Medusa
The effect - we were under a Tsunami Watch that was expected to hit Hawaii around 10:30pm.

Right in the middle of our Halloween party!

Fortunately, the Tsunami turned out to be a non-event - Yeah!

Lots of boats sailed out to sea - no one was allowed to stay on their boats.
Just starting the Party
So, we headed to high ground - the golf course up the hill.

We spent the rest of the evening celebrating life by partying and listening to the events on the local radio station.
Trick or Treaters

About 1:30am, the news reporters had given up - so did we - and headed back to the Marina.

The good news - the cruising community is amazing.

Doug on Tsunami watch
Everyone rallied together to make sure that boats were secured and people had a safe place to hold up.

Plus, cruisers volunteering to sail with people they just met - just to make sure that everyone was safe.

Proud to be a cruiser!


Jeremy said...

Looking at the picture of Doug doing his watch makes me think of when we were in Hawaii and that was all you HAD to do while you were there was watch. I miss those days... :) It's raining right now. Sigh...

"My Blessings" said...

I always enjoy the "adventure" of your entries! And, I love your hair Carla, it's YOU! Love, /dj