I know its not like us to leave a place too soon, but we left Huahine and sailed to Raiatea yesterday. It was only 16 miles across the channel and we had a great sail. What a treat after our last experience!
Moondance anchored in Huahine |
We were just settling in and starting to explore Huahine when we decided to head to Raiatea to catchup with some of the other cruising boats. Most of the Puddle Jumpers are leaving French
Polynesia because their 3-month Visas are expiring. So glad that we spent the time (and money) to get our 6-month visas. We have 3 more months here - yeah!
Doug enjoying Happy Hour |
The weather was a little unsettled while we were in Huahine, but we still managed to have a good time. Even finding the best Happy Hour in French Poly. Doug was a happy man! Cruisers are wonderful about passing on tips on provisioning, fuel, anchoring, and Happy Hours - this was a good tip.
Huahine anchorage |
The anchorage in Huahine was beautiful - as you can see. We didn't spend much time in the water though, the weather system was causing 1+ knot of current to flow through, which made it a tough swim. One kid (unknowingly) jumped in and couldn't get back to his boat. Fortunately, another cruiser saved him after Doug made the annoucement on the radio. Good thing we were watching!
Carol in Le Truck |
We were hoping to hitchhike to the north end of the island to explore the marae site (sacred temple). No luck, but we did get some good exercise, plus our first ride in a Le Truck (free island transportation).
At the beach |
We found a great beach (with some great people watching) for our picnic lunch. Turned out to be a very nice day after all!
Josh skurfing in Huahine |
We are currently anchored off the town of Uturoa on Raiatea in 110 feet of water surrounded on 3 sides by reefs - yikes! Apparently, Raiatea isn't known for its great anchorages, but we seem to be
hooked in.
We have a wonderful view of Huahini, Raiatea, Tahaa, and Bora Bora and I saw the "Big Green Flash" last night - amazing! Today, we are going into town do some exploring and shopping (of course). Always love checking out new places.
We promise to visit Huahine again after Tahaa and Bora Bora - there is still so much to see and we don't want to miss it!
You two deserved a great happy hour following the prior island hope! I know it sounds...trite...but the water is gorgeous!
Wow! Love the water and yay for you to not have to rush!
Another day in paradise oh my wish we were there Pops had been trying to send an email to let you know he is having surgery on right leg for a small blockage he has been watching this since last operation in 96 don`t worry he is fit as a fiddle will keep in touch this way and let you know the progress stay safe love mom
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