Saturday, February 5, 2011

Isla Isabela

What an amazing place! 
Where'd you get those shoes?

We were fortunate to be able to anchor for the night and explore the island!

Most of the time, the weather is too unsettled and cruisers have to sail on by.  

I would have hated to miss this one!

Mom, Dad, and Babies
The island is a national park and home to millions of nesting birds and iguanas. 

And, with no natural predators, they are all thriving and not a bit afraid of us. 

Baby Frigate and Family
Of course, the mama birds squawked a lot when we approached the nests - and there were lots of nests and lots of babies in all different sizes.

We tried to tiptoe around them, but the silly birds built their nests right on the trail!
Male Frigate showing is colors
My favorites were the Blue-Footed Boobies, but there were also Red and Green-Footed Boobies too and lots and lots of Frigates.

The Frigates looked way too big to be nesting in those trees!
Doug talking to the birds

Isla Isabela is a volcanic island, with a fish camp on the south end, a crater in the middle, and Las Monas (rocks) on the east.

There is also a group of researchers studying the Boobies - a 30 year project. 

You wouldn't think there would be that much to study!

Famous explorers - not!

We tried to hike around all of it with our amigos on s/v Evergreen, but had trouble finding the trails.

Green Iguana - really?

Some explorers we are!
We deserved a break
And the best part, hanging with friends on a beautiful white secluded beach.

Did I mention that this cruising life is pretty cool? Well, it is!

Next... sailing over to Bahia Matanchen.

1 comment:

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

We went there twice and it was amazing both times. Absolutely a highlight of Mexico! So glad you were able to stop and explore :)