I know, our life is a vacation, but this is special. We are heading to the States for a month to see family and friends - Yahoo! As always, it is going to be a whirlwind, but we are excited.
We are also going to be cramming in lots of appointments including the French Consulate. We are applying for our 6-month Visas for the French Polynesia Islands - wish us luck!
I am dreaming of a big greasy bacon cheeseburger; Doug - Racer 5 IPA. Of course, we are going to have sticker shock after living in Mexico!
Before we leave, we have to make sure Moondance is buttoned up. It is hurricane season down here, so we have to take down the sails, remove the canvas, secure the dock lines, and lots more. Everything on the deck has to be stuffed down below - just in case...
Plus, Doug has been working on some projects - there is always a list. He has been remodeling the anchor locker, rebuilding the bilge pump, plus lots of projects associated with the new engine installation - which is still in progress. By the time we return, we should have bright shiny new engine - Yeah!
Even with all of the boat stuff going on, we have been having some fun too. You know you have been in a place too long when you know the schedule and El Cid has lots to offer:
- Everyday is Bingo day
- Monday - Black Jack
- Tuesday and Thursday - movies on the lawn
- Friday and Saturday - Texas Hold'em tournaments
- Daily Happy Hours are from 2-3; 3-4; 4-5; and 6-8
It's amazing we have any time to work!
Here's our Summer Vacation itinerary: Maz, Puerta Vallarta, Dallas, Albuquerque, Alameda, Pasco, Portland, Puerta Vallarta, and back to Maz. Starting and finishing with an 8-hour bus ride - oh my.
Looking forward to seeing all of you!
Racer 5 is a good IPA. If you like IPAs and get back up here where we live, Snoqualmie Brewing Co has a really smooth IPA. All their brews are $$$. Need more hair on your chest? Try Dogfish 90 minute. Sierra Nevada makes an excellent Fresh Hop too. I love beer. :)
Hey! Carla already has plenty of hair on her chest!!
Can't wait for the blog of the "vacation!" Geeze, it's been so dull following your "non-vacation" travels along the coast! Denise
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