Monday, June 29, 2015

Lunch with the Chief today!

Well, and his extended family, but it was such a treat and totally unexpected!

Doug was working with the men (villagers and cruisers) to rebuild the porch at the school dormitory. Last time I checked on him, they were all sitting down to lunch.

The ladies (villagers and cruisers) were in the Community Hall weaving all kinds of wonderful things. Lunch was in progress as well.

I decided to cruise the village and take pictures of the activities and the people - it really is a pretty village. And, as always, the children love to have their pictures taken. Big Smiles all around.

As I passed one of the buildings I heard "Cala, Cala". Several ladies had recognized me and invited me to share their lunch. Besides the ladies, there was the Chief, his daughter Lisoni, his brother, cousins, etc. We had a wonderful lunch and visit and I felt so welcome. I just forgot to tell everyone where I was. Doug eventually tracked me down!

I big surprise, Lisoni, lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. What's the odds of that? Her and her family live in Isleta and are truck drivers. She comes back to Fulaga a couple times of year to visit, plus she helps with the village projects - like solar panels, lights, etc. Pretty amazing. I told her I would make her a batch of red chili sauce before she heads back to the States.

Plus, the captain of one of the cruising boats in the lagoon works at Los Alamos Labs. We haven't met him yet, but hope to.

What a small, small world we live in!

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Elaine said...

Thats what this cruising lifestyle is all about. We are travelers, not just a tourist!

Jackie @ travelnwrite said...

Isn't this why we travel? Those unexpected and unplanned for treasures that just happen along the way!