Monday, November 16, 2015

Futuna Run - not today!

We actually made it out of Savusavu - 8 miles out - on our way to the French island of Futuna for our annual get-out-of-Fiji run.
Broken toggle - not good
But, it wasn't meant to be.

Staysail coming down

We noticed that our staysail furler was swinging around and we weren't even using it - not good
Goodbye Dancing Walrus

So, we turned around and headed back to the Copra Shed Marina.

Too bad, it looks like we finally head our good weather window - well except for the big waves we were hitting yesterday - yikes!

Catching a rainbow
The Customs officials weren't too excited about seeing us again so soon, but they checked us back into Fiji.

Doug quickly found the problem -  a broken lower toggle on the inner forestay.

That's our Ferry

Even quicker, Doug was able to buy a replacement from one of the Yachties.

Much cheaper than ordering from the States - even better!

Ready to get off the Ferry
Once the fix is in place, we will start looking for that good weather window to Futuna - again.

Hope you get a kick out of the pictures below - we have been having some fun since our return from the USA!

Cheryl and Karen enjoying the Melbourne Cup
Being Goofy

Ready for the big race!
Tanga sailing away

Happy Diwali!
Beautiful Dolly and Priti

Copra Shed Ladies ready for the Diwali celebration
Vili, SS sailing school,  big competition soon

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