Sunday, September 23, 2012

Love a parade!

I just happen to be in downtown Honolulu (goofing off) and had a wonderful surprise...
Winning Float

Aloha Festivals Floral Parade was just getting started.

Of course, I had to stay and watch. So glad that I did.

Each island was represented by a beautiful Queen and her Princesses riding their horses.

All lavishly gowned and adorned with lei's and wreaths - so colorful.

My pictures don't do it justice.
Pooper Scoopers
Beautiful Hula

My favorite -

Every island had their own Pooper Scoopers following the Queen's procession!

All original and decorated - and functional.

The young kids had a great time entertaining the crowds.
Gotta have a marching band

And lots of marching bands, hula dancers, cheerleaders, old cars, and so much more.
Can you smell those flowers?

Seems like there is always something happening downtown.  

Good thing I was goofing off - what a treat!


Ana said...

Parades are great! Remember the Alameda parades, small but fun?
I'm glad you were goofing off too!

Tom said...

You guys are my heroes. I live vicariously through you. Never stop your blog.