Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Going with the flow...

It is funny, we always have such good plans every cruising season - so much we want to see and do - we make a list.

Enjoying Waitui Marina
But, no matter how well we plan, things come up that affects our plans.

Love those colors
Weather, boat projects, hanging with mates, don't want to miss a happening, etc..

And then there is inertia - or just content to just BE.

To stay where it is comfortable and safe, and where we are surrounded by great friends, good shopping, and a few bars and restaurants - of course.

Up the creek in Savusavu
Sounds like we are getting old, doesn't it?

Well, we are, but that is all right with us!

So, instead of spending a few days in lovely Savusavu, we spent two weeks watching boats coming and going, cheering for the Olympic games, and thoroughly enjoying ourselves - plus a quick vacation in Suva.

Sweet Jolene!
Thanks to Jolene and her wonderful staff at Waitui Marina for taking such good care of us!
Beautiful sunset off of Taveuni

Finally, we pulled ourselves away from Savusavu and headed to Paradise at the southern end of Taveuni.

Our wonderful friends, Karen and Cheryl on s/v Interlude, are there and we are hoping to catch up with them.

Plus, we have bags of Sea Mercy supplies to deliver to Vuna Village that we had collected in Port Denarau.

So precious...
Vuna Village is at the southern end of Taveuni and has ~400 people.

They were crushed by Cyclone Winston... But, with big smiles on their faces, they were very happy to receive our Sea Mercy packages.

Happy villagers

The village has made lots of progress on rebuilding, but have a ways to go.

We are constantly amazed how resilient the Fijians are - Stronger than Winston is their saying!
Happy Hour gang at Paradise

We moored off of Paradise Resort (free moorings) and spent lots of time there.

The famous Tiger Lilly
They were flattened by Winston too, but have done a wonderful job of rebuilding their beautiful resort.

Best Mates

That's my Doug!
Terri and Allan did a wonderful job of making all of the yachties welcome.

Plus giving us access to the resort amenities - like the pool and hot showers - what a treat!
Colorful cabbage

Sue's here - yeah!
Sue, our very good friend from Nadi, is here to visit.  So excited to have her! 

Synchronized swimming - wow!
This is Sue's first visit on Moondance, plus her first visit to Taveuni. 
Dinner with wonderful friends

A special treat, Sue got to experience a rollicking sail from Taveuni to Savusavu. She is is good sport and didn't complain a bit.

So, we have spent the last few days eating and drinking at all of our favorite spots here in Savusavu, plus lots of shop shop shopping.

And lots of fun and games with our best mates - Jude and Grant on s/v Blinder - of course.

But, that's all over and we are starting our trek over to Port Denarau early in the morning.


Not our original plan, but windy weather is coming in and we need to get moving.

Plus, we are very excited.

Our long-time friends from Washington, Wanda and Steve, are coming soon and we need to get Moondance prepped for company.

Going to be so much fun!

1 comment:

Ana said...

Love you guys! You continue squeezing all you can out of retirement and life, you are our hero's! And, aren't you lucky not to have to listen to and watch Hillary and Donald duke it out!