We had a wonderful time with the family in Texas - our 5-week vacation just flew by.
Fall is here! |
It was a beautiful time to visit - still warm, but the leaves were starting to fall.
We split our time between Plano, Granbury, Kansas, and the Oklahoma Casino - hah!
For my Sister Becky's birthday, we dressed up as witches (her idea) and played the Wizard of Oz video game for over 5 hours.
We had so much fun and everyone wanted our picture, plus we won money. Yeah!
Me and Sister Becky at the Casino - we were a hit! |
We took a road trip to Kansas City, Kansas, to see Ryan (nephew) and Catherine.
What a beautiful drive thru Indian Nation, Amish Country, and "Bleeding Kansas". We had a great time just playing games and visiting!
Hanging with Honey, Ryan, and Catherine! |
Then down to Granbury to spend some time with Mom and Dad where we are always spoiled by excellent home cooking and gifts, plus a round of poker and a visit to the American Legion Hall.
It was also Doug's birthday, so lots of special treats to sneak back to Moondance.
Love spending time with Dad and Mom! |
Then things really got crazy. My youngest sister, Anessa from New Mexico, surprised us for the weekend. We loved it!
Ryan drove down from Kansas to see the family.
Then Phil and Danette from Washington joined us and the party really got started.
Mom, Aunt, Sisters, and Cousins - how fun |
So we had to have a BBQ and invite some more relatives - why not?
We had an excellent time just sitting around catching up and telling old stories - and eating of course.
We were sad to see the party end!
Fun Family Times! |
After the weekend guests left, we did some touring with Phil and Danette.
We drove to Fort Worth to check out the historic Stockyards and Billy Bob's - world largest honky tonk.
Can't even imagine how stinky this place must have been with all that livestock around - yikes!
Strolling around the Stockyards in Fort Worth |
Then downtown Fort Worth hunting for the best BBQ. Found it at Bailey's - a small little red building in the middle of all those high rises.
A family owned business since 1931 and serving excellent BBQ - be sure to check it out.
Touring Fort Worth |
We had a fun day just site seeing and catching up with Phil and Danette - just like old times!
Bar hopping with Phil and Danette |
Plus, we got to spend 5 weeks with Becky and Dave. On the hunt for all of our favorite foods, good beer, shopping, and watching tons of football and baseball and laughing all the way.
Thanks Becky and Dave for sharing your beautiful home with us - loved just hanging with you. Sure miss having family close by all the time!
Love the Guty's! |
Now, we are back in Fiji where the mango season is getting started, the Flamboyant trees are blooming, and most cruisers are sailing away to New Zealand and Australia.
Flamboyant tree |
There will be a few cruisers staying behind with us, but it is going to be so different. We have lots of projects on the list to keep us busy, plus we plan on doing lots of swimming, fishing, sailing, tennis, golf, and anything else we can think of.
Summer in Fiji - it is going to be very interesting!